I pledge: My head to clearer thinking, My heart to greater loyalty, My hands to larger service, My health to better living, for my club, my community, my country and my world.
In 2002 4-H celebrates it's centennial - 100 years of helping youth "learn by doing".
One of the things 4-H is doing to celebrate it's centennial is asking members and leaders to pledge their time to doing community service by filling out a "Power of YOUth pledge" . More than half of the Center 4-H members filled out these pledges to do over 100 hours of community serice work in different areas such as helping an older person, helping a younger person, and community service. To learn more about the 4-H Centennial and the "Power of YOUth pledge" check out the 4-H Centennial site which may be reached from our links page.

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